Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It Has Been a While...

Well, there is no excuse for my posting to be silent from February to October! Where did the time go? Riley is now 13 months! (I have been trying for several days to upload her birthday pictures but I keep getting an error message??? Hopefully they are "to come" She has been changing so much in the last month. She is now a Daddy's girl, has 4 teeth (so cute), eats a ton of solid foods (especially loves applesauce, cheerios, bread and graham crackers), knows what it means to brush her hair and brush her teeth, is a copy cat, has weened herself from the paci during the day, loves books and baby-dolls, gives lots of good kisses, tries to talk like mom and dad, and understands "NO" even though she often tries to hide the fact. Did I mention that she loves her "Da Da??? =)

We have done a lot over the last 7 months and here are a few pictures to recap...

We took our first family vacation in Virginia Beach. Riley loved the
water and wasnt sure what to do with the sand.

Snack time on the beach.

Beach Babe!

We spent a week with Bruce's parents at Ocean Isle Beach.
It was great to have the family all together! Riley had a blast!
Riley enjoyed playing with her cousin Jacob!
Jacob and Elijah were both great to take care of Riley!
We celebrated Joy's (Bruce's sister) birthday while at the beach. What better way to celebrate than with family and blueberry pound cake??? Here is a great family picture!
Riley enjoys "reading" to Papa
On a recent visit to Franklin Riley spent a day working with her Grandaddy and
Uncle Pres on the crane. She was a big helper =)

Um...did I mention that Riley likes ice cream?

After the SBC in Orlando we were able to spend a couple of days with
Lauren's parent's in Disney World.
Riley loves the cell phone.
Riley picked squash from her Grandaddy's garden. She also enjoyed eating it!


  1. yay! Thanks for posting! We love seeing you all these pictures of your precious family and of pretty Riley! Oh she is looking so grown-up to us! Can't wait to see more posts and posts about your next precious daughter! We miss you guys!

    Oh I get error messages sometimes too when I try to upload too many pictures at one time so I upload only 2 or 3 at a time. I hear uploading through Picassa is so much better so I might try that.

  2. woo hoo! pictures :) i'm so glad you posted these!! i feel so out of the loop not being in raleigh.

  3. Lauren, she's so beautiful! Did I hear correctly that you are expecting #2??
